My name is Gavin Reville and this is a brief story of Why I Relay!
Well here it goes, I was first introduced to Relay for Life in 2018. My first reaction on entering the relay village was “wow”. It was so heartwarming to see all the thousands of candle bags flicker before my eyes. From that moment on, I knew I wanted to be a part of Relay for Life so in 2019, I joined a team called Lapsidasies.

2019 was eye-opening for me. I was immediately obsessed with Relay for Life. We had such a great time for the 24 hours. Seeing so many people come together for one reason was moving.
The Candle of Hope ceremony really brought a tear to my eye this year because I was involved and knew a lot more about Relay.
To see my candle bags light up in front of me was wonderful. The bags were for people who have passed away. Also, I had bag for well wishes and hope for a very special person, my aunt Lenagh. Lenagh was receiving treatment at the time and standing by my side for the night. The entire experience moved me.
Moving on to 2020 - 2021 when the dreaded Covid-19 hit we all relayed from home. All my family came to my house to support this incredible event. They then realised what Relay for Life was about. We cried, we laughed and we had a great two years of our 24-hour Virtual Relay.
Now we are in 2022, and we’re finally back out for Relay for Life in person. This year means more to me and my family than any other. Me and my cousin Michelle French have decided to put our own team together as well as most of my family members in support of my amazing auntie Lenagh. Lenagh has been receiving treatment for the last five years. This year she was diagnosed with brain tumours.

Where did the name come from?
When we decided to put the team together I asked Lenagh would she help us organise it and take part in it with us. Her reply was “of course I’m doing it, are you mad”. I then asked her to come up with the name of the team and to add her name to it. After many name ideas, she said “I know, Lenagh’s Loonies!”, because it is me and you all, and you all are the loonies. We are a little mad!
Relay for Life is 24 hours for us supporters, but cancer is 24/7 for all the survivors going through the fight.
- We relay to raise vital funds for the Irish Cancer Society
- We relay to remember the people we have lost
- We relay to support the people fighting the disease and doing an amazing job
- We relay to have a good time
Love Gavin and Team Lenagh’s Loonies xxx