I relay because the fight is real.
Since 2018 I’ve been involved in the Relay for Life Wexford event and every year it was special in its own way.
To my first year attending, the magical atmosphere of the Saturday Hussle and bustle.
To my first-year fundraising, the exciting build-up of fundraising events to the silence of emotion of hundreds of people at the candle of hope.
To fundraising from home during Covid Lockdowns a smaller, close-knit event in my own back garden.
My involvement in relay was to fight for the special people in our life that we have lost so that no one else would go through it.
This year is different, this year the fight got even closer to home. It got very real.
In March of this year, my wife Cathy was diagnosed with breast cancer. A shock to the system.
A 6-week journey of rollercoaster emotions, sleepless nights, endless trips to the hospital and coming up with the words to tell your kids the news.
An experience that too many people have been through before, too many special people have lost the fight.
Something that needs to change.
I relay to fight back.