Why do we Relay?
We all Relay for different reasons. I decided to reach out to our team members to ask them for their reasons for taking part. I will begin with mine:
Why do I Relay?
I have answered the phone in work and spoken to patients whose answer to my greeting is “I have just been diagnosed with cancer”. Sometimes they can barely speak through their tears, sometimes they are upbeat and full of positivity and others are just completely in shock and cannot comprehend what has just happened. Others are just looking for an ear, some information and sometimes a hug. I have cried with these people and their families.
My husband lost his mother to cancer, and I watched them all go through these very same emotions throughout her short fight. I watched them try to pick themselves up and try to carry on as a family afterwards, a family that felt like it had lost its heart.
While these are all very good reasons for doing Relay, I’m afraid I also do it for a rather selfish reason. I do it because I have taken so much away from the team meetings and the events which I have been a part of. To try to explain the positive effect it has on me to someone who has never taken part in the meetings or the event as a team member is pointless. I have tried but I cannot put it into words. The fact that our amazing Committee can create such a positive, rewarding, fun and emotional event, when the very reason for it is such a tragic reality, just goes to show that we ARE all stronger than cancer and that we WILL win this fight.
So, selfishly, I Relay because it gives me so much more than I will ever be able to give it back. – Tel
Why do I Relay?
I Relay for the massive feeling of “I’m doing something good here”. To hear other people’s stories of survival and loss humbles me and makes me very thankful for all the little things in my life. This is my first year with Relay and I have met so many lovely people, made new friends and caught up with some old ones. Everyone is so nice, positive, enthusiastic, and happy. Wexford’s Relay for Life is one huge happy team, and it is a team I am proud to be part of. – Caroline
Why do I Relay?
I Relay for two reasons.
1: I do it for those who can’t, those who are not able to do it themselves and for those who have lost their brave fight and are no longer with us in body. I might be one person but I’m there to represent everyone in my family touched by cancer that would love to be there but can’t.
2: My dad was one of the lucky ones and kicked cancer’s ass just over 10 years ago and I want to share our little glimmer of hope with those that might need it. – Michelle
Why do I Relay?
To those who live with cancer, to those who fight cancer and to those we have lost to cancer – YOU are Champion. The strength, resilience, hope, determination, and courage you show, inspires us all to Relay. To be part of Wexford’s Relay for Life is to be part of a community that encompasses support, encouragement, love, laughter, and humanity. A truly special experience. - Naomi
Why do I Relay?
Well, what can I say except no matter what you put into Relay, you get back 100 times over.
I lost my best friend 7 years ago to cancer and it was absolutely devastating for everyone. She was so young. The Irish Cancer Society helped her keep her dignity throughout, they helped her find the perfect wig, they helped us sort hospice help for her, and were caring and compassionate throughout. Her family and friends will never forget the help she received. This is a big part of why I Relay, to keep this service going for others who are going through the same thing.
Since then, we have lost many more, including my son’s aunty Gay, who will be sorely missed at every Relay going forward.
Cancer affects so many people and families so let’s all pull together to fight for everyone who can’t fight for themselves and make Gay proud. Relay is so very special; I feel like it gives the power back to those who feel like they have lost it. – Shirley
Why do I Relay?
I relay for everyone who is affected by this disease, some of whom are very close to my heart.
I am doing it for my mother, Anne, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014. She received the best care, and we couldn’t be more grateful to the Cancer Society. She is now proudly in remission.
I am doing for my Auntie Clare who was diagnosed with a form of leukaemia at the young age of 13. She is now proudly in remission.
I am doing it for my grandfather Danny. Cancer threw many hurdles in his path throughout his life as he watched his daughters fight bravely and win their battle with cancer. He also had a diagnosis of skin cancer himself. Unfortunately, my grandfather is no longer with us. He passed away peacefully in his sleep in 2018. At the time of his passing, he was proudly in remission.
I do this for my family and for all who are fighting, winning and for those who have lost. I do this for all those who are also proudly in remission. – Adam
We are a selection of sandwiches from the Relay for Life Team “A Few Sandwiches Short” and this is why we Relay.